Thursday, May 22, 2014

Bowling For Colombine

        Click. Bang. These words are the sound a gun makes when it fires. The gripping documentary   Bowling for Colombine is a based off the shooting at Colombine high school located in littleton, USA. It shows the horror of the school shooting and puts it into perspective  using  interveiws with people in the comuity and footage from the school, that stimulate your tear gland. The director adds in a cartoon for fun and expresses the problem of bad gun control in the USA.

  The documentary Bowling For Colombine narrated by Michael Moore expresses three main problems, guns are not controled properly, the public is being fed violence to create fear, and racisim. In this film Michael Moore goes into a bank in the US to open a bank account, with an opening of an account at this bank you get a free gun. Anyone can own as many guns as they like and the amunition to load them. Making it easy to "protect yourself" from harm, but it also makes it easy for kids, terrorists and mentaly unstable people to obtain them as well. Does this make it safer or dangerous in a society with guns? The US has a high murder rate commited by guns, larger than most other developed countries. It only takes one shot to kill someone. Violence, is beeing shown on tv in the news, and movies it makes people wonder, what if? What if someone breaks into my house? What if someone threatens my family? What if.....? What if..?  Caused by propaganda in today's social media this question is spreading. The media is pumping fear into our bloodsream using the excuse that we need to be prepared.

This was a biased film that was baced on fact. Howerver the whole truth is not stated and Michael Moores methods were odd. He uses a roller coaster of emotions to keep the audience entertaineed and implies a certain point of view. This makes the film deceiving and should not be qualified as an accurate documentary. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The New paparazzi

      The only way to avoid starring in party pictures on Facebook is to skip the party. The Article The New Paparazzi by Emma Teitel, expresses concern about modern day social media and all the problems it causes in our society today. The main problems that the author explores are, the lack of control and youths attitude toward this growing problem.

      One problem expressed in this article is the lack of control that we experience due to social media. Due to cell phones pictures can be taken at any time even without consent, this is not unusual  "Generation Y is obsessed with documenting its social life" using things such as Facebook and Twitter. Photo's can be posed without  the people in them even knowing, you don't need to have Facebook to be posted on it. Girls are one of the main serial camera carriers. People can look at your pictures without you knowing it just like you can look at theirs, meaning someone you do not know  could be observing your daily life.

    Another major issue with Social media is generation Y's attitude towards it. They live for the now not for the future they don't understand how one incriminating picture can haunt you years down the line, they have FOMO(fear of missing out) syndrome. "If you go to a party and you don't appear in the Facebook album, were you really there?" is one problem that is coming out Generation Y does not like to be taken out of the social loop, they need proof that you were really there. That is why adult-driven campaigns will not curb not-consensual photo sharing, it is like trying to uproot a culture that is constantly changing.


This is a major problem for Generation Y's future due to the problems that may arise from inappropriate pictures posted in past years. They do not care that they are invading someone's privacy by looking at personal photo's or that even showing up at a party could put you in one or more photo's taken. this is a growing problem that all Generation Y has it is a chronic illness that keeps coming back to haunt the daily lives of all who use the power of social media.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Slam poetry is new and unexpected it can be on any topic and past rules seem to be thrown out the window it doesn’t need to rhyme it only needs to have a rhyme. Anyone can write it and read it. This is not just isolated to the classroom where you are given an idea then told to write it, have a rhyme scheme, and a whole bunch of vocabulary words long forgotten in high school. Taylor Mali is a well-known slam poet. His poem What Teachers Make  shows the importance of a good English teacher some kids go through school because they have to why not let them learn something along the way? He is asked

Friday, February 28, 2014

Study. Why?

It’s a morning just like any other I wake up groggy and unprepared for the day. As I look over at my alarm I see it is already late, its exam week. I realize this seconds later when I look at my phone and see my friend asking my whereabouts for the math exam. Math the bane of my existence I realized there had been no studying the night before between my movies and games. I rush to arrive on time for the exam franticly studying as I eat breakfast and rush to school. I walk into the exam the air conditioning is blasting even though it is still the middle of winter; the air tastes old and stale from the group of students that have been here before me. The desk I chose to occupy has seated many before me; I can almost see the strength used to engrave the answers on the paper. The residue of their answers still felt in the soft grain of the wood. Since I had not studied I hoped my days in class were enough to get me a passing grade. As I look at the exam I see, numbers. As to what they mean I could not tell you, because I had not been there the day they explained this concept. Why me? I ask myself with hate why I had to be the one that slacked off, couldn't I be one of those people who don't need to study to get an A. This question is floating around my head as I pick random questions on the test, you can just smell failure on the test. This is a smell unlike any, it is rotten and foul.  After not using a calculator for an hour I can finally use it to solve my problems. When it is over I realize I am the last one in the room to finish. I am alone and unprepared  Study Why? This is the last time I fail due to lack of study.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Torture Hall

It’s a weekday morning and the birds are just waking up. The students due to attend school have been awake for hours to prep their hair for the torments of the day. Cars pull up to the dark concrete and brick building, dreading the next few hours. It’s the last year in this torture hall, no more bumping into each other awkwardly. No more deciding witch group to join or what to wear to fit in. High school is like a torture hall masked by good intentions and filled with stressful situations. It’s the last year in this torture hall where the rest of your life will be decided by. Your grades will dictate your life if you fail there will be no respite. The world will try to drag us down, and make us scream and run. How long will it take till June arrives and the prom and graduation cheer us on to our new lives. We may hate this place now, but  years later we will find ourselves full of pride and back in that torture hall, to brag about who we are today. This is our reunion years latter after we have experienced life, but now we are back we are still stuck in our grad year haunted by our cliques. Life is based of this torture hall that we recall as school, in that place you learn to read and write and learn skills to keep you upright on this torture road of life.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Princess in a fairytale

She is strong and intependent, like a princess waiting to be rescued. She is lover of children and would like a carrer working with them.Things that have strongly helped shape her is fairytales. Before she can remember she has  heard fairytales like snow white, the wild swans and other fairytales by the brothers grimm. The heroes of the stories always has to go through some hardships to get to their happy ending. Snow white the apple and evil queen, sleeping beauty spindles and a curse, and the sister of the brothers in the wild swans create's shirts from stinging nettles while not being able to speak. These rolemodels found in stories help her keep hope when things look down.Her mother has contributed greatly to her personality as well as her love of art. From a young age her mother has nurtured her love of music from a young age, with choir and dance lessons when available. Her mother has lots of love to give, so from a young age she has met people from all walks of life. This is where she has gotten her love of children and her urge to help people whenever she can. Robert Harrington is a man who has looked after Rebecca for years. He is her boss at Computers Etc, Robert has helped her get into the workforce, as well as improved her people skills. He is commonly a very social person, however in rebecca's case she is just like one of the family.